If you really love playing golf but you don’t have much money, then you will simply have to be smarter than the average consumer when buying gear and equipment. When there is a will, there is always a way. For example, you may consider buying used golf clubs instead of brand new ones. As long as they don’t have major structural issues, then they should be good to go. You will be able to fill your golf bag with a complete array of tools to improve your game without spending a fortune. When it comes to footwear, you may also be able to score quality cheap golf shoes in the following ways:

Look Into Older Models

Shoes companies come out with new models every year to refresh their line-ups and keep consumers interested. They use these as opportunities to go with the latest trends in design, fix issues with past products, and make other incremental improvements. Since the difference between consecutive cheap golf shoes is not that big, you would need to think hard about purchasing the newest releases. Consider buying the older models from one or two years ago. They are probably on sale with a large discount to attract more attention. Take advantage of the price cut while others are looking elsewhere.

Check Out Surplus Stores

You could even go to surplus stores that are known to hold golfing gear. They probably have some shoes that you can check out. Stores which weren’t able to sell all of their inventory may give up on the items and sell them to these surplus specialists at rock bottom prices. Most are models with unsold sizes. If you have smaller or larger than usual feet, then you are in luck because you are likely to find pairs that will suit you just fine.

Ignore Surface Flaws

Consumers are extremely picky when it comes to shoes. This is reasonable given the high prices that companies charge these days. If they find any blemishes such as tiny stains or other issues, then they might return it to the store to get a fresh pair with immaculate looks. The rejected items may go into the pile of shoes that will go on sale later. If you are focused on performance, then these may not be a deal breaker. As long as you get them at a reasonable price, you can ignore these flaws with ease.