Bone Health is something many people do not think about until they get older unless there is someone in their family that suffers from osteoporosis. No matter what your age, you are never too young to think about bone health. Here are a few things you should know.
Get the Right Nutrition
People know bones are made of calcium but the body also needs vitamin D to be able to absorb the calcium. However, these are not the only vitamins that come into play. Vitamins A, C, and K are also very important to keep your bones healthy. This is why you should make sure that in addition to getting enough calcium you are also eating a well-balanced diet. Also, if you are still in your 20’s you are still young enough to get in extra calcium which can be stored in your bones for future use.
Get a Bone Density Screening
These are important to verify the health of your bones. Your doctor will recommend it when you are of age, typically 50, though may be sooner if you have a family history of osteoporosis or osteopenia. Keep in mind that this is not a one and done process. Rather this is something that will need to be done on a regular basis.
Another thing you will want to do is get in your exercise to help your bones. Weight-bearing and resistance exercises can help build bone density. This can help to keep your bones nice and healthy. The good news is that if you don’t have any exercise equipment, you can just get creative with the items you have around your home. Some people will lift gallons of water or do weight-bearing exercises with their children.
Be Safe
You may not be able to prevent all falls, but one way to help with bone health is to keep from falling. This means if you are someone who has balance problems, you home health aids to help you, such as railings in the shower, a cane, or other items.
If you are at all concerned about how healthy your bones are, the best thing you can do is to talk with your primary care physician. They will be able to tell you where you are at, whether you should be concerned and the best thing you can do to help. They should always be consulted before you start any dietary or exercise changes.
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