Sleep is when our bodies recharge after a tiring day. If you can’t get enough quality sleep, then you will suffer from a lack of energy and focus. Your work will suffer and your health will decline over time. Sometimes lack of sleep is due to a medical disorder. These require appropriate treatment designed by a doctor. At other times, the issue is something that is related to the environment. Most of these are within our control. If we can make a few modifications to our surroundings and our habits, then we can improve our sleep by a tremendous amount.
Remove Visual Stimuli
We are often our own worst enemy. Instead of sleeping early, we linger in front of the TV watching things we don’t really care about or browse random sites with our smartphones until we get tired. These screens emit blue light that keep us alert and awake longer than we should. Make it a point to leave your devices behind before going to bed. If your bedroom faces the streets, then use heavy drapes to hide the passing car lights. Turn off your own room’s lights including the tiny indicator lights of appliance if they bother you. Use a sleeping mask if it helps.
Block Off All Noise
Do you have noisy neighbors? You could try using noise-cancelling headphones to block the noise if earplugs don’t work. You could also try to talk to these neighbors to let them know how you are being affected. Some are simply not aware of how they are bothering other people. Others will need more forceful persuasion. Another thing to consider would be the sources of noise within your home such as a noisy refrigerator or an air conditioning unit. These are signs of underlying problems so have them checked by competent technicians.
Use a Weighted Bamboo Blanket, a weighted blanket provides a feeling of comfort. It is similar to the sensation of being hugged. This somehow provides a calming effect on those who use them. If you are feeling anxious, then consider buying one of these. The practice is widespread in therapy for children with autism, sensory processing disorder, PTSD, ADHD, anxiety disorder, and the like. It has proven o effective that the product is now getting sold to the general public. Jut make sure that you get the right Weighted Bamboo Blanket and size for your needs.
Take sleep seriously because it has serious effects on your life and your health.
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