Deep sleep hypnosis is a powerful self-hypnosis that takes you into a very deep state of trance. All your conscious filters get shut down in this state, and almost any command or suggestion will pass directly to your subconscious mind. The experience itself is usually described as extremely pleasurable, intense relaxation, and even sleeping at times. This hypnotic state can lead to complete control over the body’s entire autonomic nervous system. It also creates a strong connection between yourself and your deepest emotions, helping you better understand yourself in the process.
How Does Deep Sleep Hypnosis Work?
The process itself is quite simple — it only involves a few easy steps. It can be tricky at first if you’re new to self-hypnosis, but this state becomes easily attainable with a little bit of practice. The ideal way to experience deep sleep hypnosis for the first time is to do it with another person’s assistance during a session. With their help, you will quickly learn how to achieve deep sleep hypnosis on your own from now on. It usually takes about 20 minutes and should leave you feeling completely relaxed and refreshed upon awakening.
Deep sleep hypnosis works based on auto-suggestion and visualization. Firstly, you will do a few simple breathing exercises to relax your body and mind and remove yourself from distractions. Then you go over the main goal in your head until your subconscious mind completely absorbs it. Once this happens, all conscious filters are shut down, making deep sleep hypnosis much easier to achieve. When you combine these two techniques with a proper mental state, reaching trance has never been easier. And when you finally get there, you have complete control over both body’s entire autonomic nervous system and deepest emotions bringing greater self-understanding in the process.
What Can You Expect With Deep Sleep Hypnosis?
Most people who experience deep sleep hypnosis describe it as extremely pleasurable and relaxing. They fall into a trance almost instantly and feel like they completely took a mini-vacation during the session. While in this state, your body becomes relaxed, and all conscious filters shut down, making deep sleep hypnosis much easier to achieve. Once you get there, suggestions start taking effect almost immediately by passing directly to your subconscious mind without any interference from conscious thought or judgment. It does not matter if these suggestions are positive or negative — if your mindset is right, you will see results either way, including positive changes in behavior, improved self-esteem, and enhanced motivation and productivity.
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