Collagen is a protein in the body that gives skin its structure, making it supple and able to stretch. It plays an important role in healthy skin and the youthfulness of a person. There amount of collagen that is present in the body tends to reduce as people get older and that is the reason they develop wrinkles and thinning skin.
Diet plays an important role in collagen production in the body, so if you want to boost your body’s collagen production the best place to start by considering the things that you eat. While there are a multitude of supplements, pills and powders on the market that claim to boost collagen, their effectiveness is often determined by the body’s ability to take up the specific nutrient they offer (its bio-availability); many foods contain collagen in a bio-available form which means that the body can use it immediately to boost collagen production.
Following are some foods that have been shown to support collagen production in the body:
• Bone Broth
While research has produced mixed results, many believe that bone broth provides collagen in a form that the body can use right away and is superior to supplements. Bone broth actually contains collagen from the bones that are used to make it as well as containing calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, glucosamine and other nutrients that are beneficial for collagen.
• Chicken
Poultry contains large amounts of connective tissues made from collagen and is the reason many collagen supplements are based on it. Chicken is a rich source of collagen with some studies showing that the chicken cartilage and the neck area are where it is concentrated.
• Egg Whites
While eggs do not contain the connective tissues that are the main sources of collagen, they do contain large amounts of praline which is an important amino acid for collagen production.
• Citrus Fruits
Vitamin C plays a significant function in the production of pro-collagen which is a precursor required for producing collagen itself so eating plenty of fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes is recommended.
• Garlic
Garlic is more than just a great flavor enhancer; it also helps to boost collagen production because it is high in sulfur which is a required trace mineral for synthesizing, and preventing the breakdown of, collagen. To really reap the benefits, however, you will need to consume a lot of it – more than is available in your favorite pasta dish, for instance.
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