There are a lot of ways to prepare pork chops. One of the more fun ways so to smother them in honey sauce. It can be prepared in different ways, such as diluting the honey in water and simmering it with garlic and herbs before splashing or brushing it onto pork chops before popping it in the oven. Pork chops are delicious on their own, but a marinade makes it better. Browse this website for a honey garlic pork chops recipe list.

Again, pork chops can be prepared in different ways. It is also true that pork has its own properties such as unique cooking time and distribution of fat. It is called the other white meat because it does cook white. It is a tender and juicy meat on an animal that is otherwise quite fatty and tough. The pork loin is historically sold as one of the prime cuts and has a unique taste and flavor.

It is lean if the fat near it is trimmed away. In that case, it can bake to be quite dry. One solution is to prepare a great marinade. Honey adds to the flavor but also helps to hold onto moisture. It is sugary and sweet in a natural way. It is also hydrophilic, meaning that it likes to absorb and hold onto moisture. A good marinade adds moisture to a slice of meat that is otherwise prone to drying out in the oven or barbecue.

A little drying out is great for a pork chop and is apart of the traditional barbecue flavor. It ideally happens on your terms and holds in flavor rather than allowing all the juices to run out and dry away. A good sauce does double duty. It adds moisture to a surface that is prone to drying. It also dries out ahead of the flesh and locks in the internal moisture so the insides stay tender.

Nobody wants dry and flaky honey garlic pork chops. Food that is dried out is called pemmican, and who wants to eat that unless they are a trail enthusiast? Instead, bite into a juicy pork chop that is sweet with the added bite of fresh garlic. Spices such as pepper and garlic are traditional parks of marinades. In the olden days, these spices were considered essential preservatives. Today, they just make your barbecue kick butt.

Learn recipes from people who know how to slice their hog. Learn recipes that are well balanced. Avoid dry and flaky pork, but also avoid nuking your tongue with too much of the wrong spice. Get recipes that are well balanced as well as tips on how to make chops from scratch.