Cleaning an antique Oriental rug bequeathed to you by your parents can be a stressful and tense affair. The last thing you would want to destroy an expensive and virtually irreplaceable rug by use of harsh chemicals or any such mistake. Simplify Oriental cleaning by asking the following questions before initiating the process.
Is Cleaning Really Required?
This may seem like an odd question at first. However, chances of the rug getting damaged increase significantly if it is cleaned unnecessarily. Lift the rug and give a sharp kick to the side that faces the floor. If a puff of dust jumps off the rug, then perhaps it is time to clean the same. If not, then you can simply continue with the daily routine of using the vacuum cleaner to get rid of dust from the rug
Can You Clean it on your Own?
Even a small and light rug can become pretty heavy after it is dipped in water. Would you be in a position to clean the rug properly on your own? If you are unable to even lift the rug after it has been dipped in water, then it is unlikely you will do a good job removing the dust and stains from the rug. In such a scenario, the smartest option would be to simply outsource the task to a professional cleaner.
Do You Know how to Clean Different Rugs?
Do you know that silk rugs must be dry cleaned? The conventional method of dipping the rug in water and applying shampoo can be disastrous for silk rugs. Do you know that the fringes must be cleaned separately to prevent discoloration? Do you know that both sides must be cleaned together to ensure the dust does not end up accumulating on the other side?
Oriental rug cleaning is not just about water, shampoo and elbow grease. You need to be smart about the entire process. If you don’t know much about rugs and how they are cleaned, then the best option would be to hire a professional service provider for the task.
Finally, working with a professional firm makes a lot of sense if you have multiple Oriental rugs in your house. Each rug will have to be cleaned differently depending on its material, the wear and tear the rug has suffered, accumulation of dust and dirt, instances of stains, and other such factors. You can try working on your own but you’ll quickly discover that the task is not as simple and easy as it sounds.
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