Are you aware that you can receive healing when the healer is far away? Well, this is possible through a technique called distance healing. It’s also referred by different terms like distance treatment, remote healing, remote treatment, and absent healing. The process may differ from one healer to another but the basics are the same. The healing is based mostly on old traditions. It’s a technique that is highly identified with religions like Hinduism and Buddhism. Some Christians and Muslims are also using this technique nowadays. So, yes, distance healing sessions really work. And the good thing about distance healing is the fact that you don’t need extensive education to practice it. All that is needed is the intent, passion, and passion to help people as well as the patience and willingness to lie or sit quietly.
The Science Behind It
For so many years, quantum scientists alongside astrophysicists have argued that the world we are living in is just an illusion. Now, they have been joined by spiritual healers. Like scientists, spiritual healers believe that our bodies are made of energies that can be transferred from one person to another without a physical medium.
Actually, because of this principle, distance healing can be administered via Skype or any other video chat platform. The healing energy that is sent, known as cosmic or subatomic energy, is able to reach the intended person in real time as a manifestation of life. But still, there must be some kind of spiritual connection between the healer and the client.
What Happens During a Distance Healing Session?
Generally, distance healing sessions go through the following stages:
Step 1 — Meditative Stage
Here, the healer goes into deep meditation to harness cosmic energy. At this time, the world becomes blurred for the healer and is marked by psychological changes such as deep breathing and increased pulse.
Step 2 — Non-Local Stage
Here, cosmic energy is transferred through space from the healer to the client. Because things happen in space, the transfer of cosmic energy is not affected by distance. So, it doesn’t matter where the healer is as the healing is destined to take place.
Step 3 — The Healing Stage
Depending on the healing power of the healer, healing can be felt and measured by the client in terms of immune boost and heart health.
Final Thoughts
Clearly, the concept employed in distance healing sessions is practical for those who believe in the transfer of therapeutic energy. It clearly shows that a healer does not have to be present to initiate healing.
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