Becoming a model might have crossed your mind if you’re physically gifted. Let’s just say that you’ve got the chops: the looks, the height, and the body. You might want to capitalize on those by trying to make a living from what nature has gifted you with.

Too bad, a lot of well-endowed people never even bother to realize that their best assets are you guessed right: themselves. They go through life pursuing something quite elusive or worse, selling themselves short. Becoming a model is a stroke of luck, and yet it’s easier said than done.

For starters, talent scouts are a dime a dozen. They can also be wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing. In fact, the sad truth is that there are many talent agencies that may be trying to blind you to the fact that all they’re after in the final analysis–is the revenues from your photo shoot.

So be very careful. There are lots of those fly-by-night operators who are in actuality out to make you spend for your professional dossier or portfolio. Once you’ve paid for the photographer or camera man, chances are, you’ll never hear from that elusive talent manager again.

This said, be very wary of every step that you take to advance your modeling career. An agent may just burst your bubble when you least expect. When you allow yourself to be taken advantage of in a dog-eat-dog world, you may end up with scars that may take time or never heal at all.

A bruised ego, a futile search or depression blues may require a rather extensive psychological counseling. You may never be the same again after the therapy. However, if you’re determined, nothing can stop you from still pursuing your dream.

Part of this is believing in yourself. For if you don’t, nobody ever will. You need to be genuinely convinced that you do have something special to offer the world. Otherwise, you can fold up like a house of cards at the earliest opportunity.

Succeeding in the modeling world can be very tough, indeed. But the next step is to find ways to maintain your physical giftings after finding them by yourself. It’s never enough to take stock of your resources.

In order to excel in your game, you have to find ways to enhance your offerings. There’s nothing like a killer smile to affirm your own brand of celebrity. Regular trips to the dentist may do the job. And so does insuring your assets such as your legs. Your talent manager just can’t handle everything for you.