Bottled water is known to be harmful to the environment: both because of its plastic containers and because of the distances the bottles must travel from source to consumer. Use mouthwash just before bed-time: saliva can affect the efficacy of the wash, so letting it work while you sleep is best because your mouth stays relatively dry.

Don’t use just before or after brushing your teeth because your toothpaste may reduce the efficacy of the wash. Rather brush your teeth an hour or more before you go to bed, and 4% then use mouthwash just before getting into bed.

Gargling with mouthwash is just as important as rinsing because most bad breath originates right at the back of the tongue, not the teeth. Among the infusions against insomnia and to sleep well, there are:

Herbal tea with calming and relaxing properties, this is one of the best remedies for those suffering from sleep disorders and nervousness, as it has the advantage of facilitating the correct functioning of the central nervous system.

Linden tea: this plant stimulates sleep, soothes the nerves and boasts sedative properties against anxiety thanks to Tupperware Bottles Online. Chamomile herbal tea: the most well-known to be taken against insomnia, chamomile reconciles sleep and boasts, at the same time, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and antineuralgic properties, so it is also useful in cases of various kinds of pain.

Hawthorn tea: a good hawthorn infusion is indicated against tiredness and anxiety and nervous origin tachycardia. It also boasts cardioprotective and cardiotonic properties.

Herbal tea: also known as “California poppy”, this boasts of myorelaxant properties that act directly on the nervous system. These plants have sedative and calming properties and can be taken either during the day or before going to sleep.

Among the most popular winter infusions, there are options against colds, flu, sore throat and cough. In this case, the list of herbal teas becomes longer and includes different tastes linked to Tupperware Bottles Online.

Eucalyptus herbal tea: with fluidifying and antiseptic properties, eucalyptus is an excellent winter ally to counteract flu states. It also boasts antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, refreshing, balsamic and expectorant properties. Sage herbal tea: this herb has decongestant properties, so it can be useful for freeing the respiratory tract and also countering pharyngitis, laryngitis and gingivitis, thanks to its balsamic action.

Echinacea herbal tea: this counteracts cough, cold and stuffy nose, as well as reinforcing the immune system. This plant has corticosimile anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is advisable to take it for at least 3 months before the start of winter and the arrival of seasonal diseases.