It is the buyer’s duty to find out and request that it be written how many scheduled revisions have no cost and what is the cost of the spare parts and labor of the other revisions. The correction of noise that appears in the body must be included in the guarantee are the headache of the manufacturers.
The perception of these varies from one person to another. One thing can be perceived by one vehicle owner and another by the dealer’s mechanic. It is a difference similar to what would be between an orchestra conductor and the one that breaks streets with a pneumatic hammer. Assuming that this is not a matter of simple perception, but a structural problem of the vehicle. The dealer with the technical advice of the manufacturer must be able to correct it by guarantee without cost and without major inconvenience.
In general, with the purchase of a new car, the dealers do not fail to offer their customers a so-called warranty extension contract aimed at extending the manufacturer’s warranty which is a minimum of 2 years. Thus, some time after having taken possession of their new car, the new purchasers receive at their home proposals of contract promising them 3 years without worries thanks to the Best Car Loan Broker.
Certainly, most of the time, an asterisk refers to a line written in fine print stating that the 2 years of the manufacturer’s warranty are included in the previous periods. But when customers look at the tariff pages, they often find that the price lists they offer refer to prices for 36, 48 or 60 months, thereby increasing confusion.
Indeed, if the manufacturer’s warranty is free, the warranty extension is obviously paying. Only the Japanese brands are very clear on the subject by offering in their advertising brochures extension after the manufacturer’s warranty and the help of a Car Loan Broker.
The warranty extension is not free. Remember that the manufacturer’s warranty (also called conventional or commercial warranty) protects the buyer of a new car free of charge for 2 years (for European manufacturers) or 3 years (for some high-end cars and for Asian brands) against defects in construction or defective parts, mechanical breakdowns, electrical or electronic, provided that the car has been properly maintained.
However, the so-called wear parts (clutch, brake pads and discs, tires, shock absorbers, bulbs, etc.) are excluded. If a car under warranty is immobilized for a period greater than or equal to 7 days, the duration of the manufacturer’s warranty is extended by the same amount.
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