Most people who like well-designed shirts go for the screen printed variety. This is because these shirts combine taste, style and great design in one neat package. If you are looking for a screen printed shirts, you have three great options. You can simply buy them from top fashion stores, order them online or buy generic shirts and get a screen printer to give you the perfect design. Below are some ways to explore the three options above.

Buy Shirts from Offline Fashion Houses

You can start this process by asking your friends to recommend reputable fashion stores. Once you have a list of these stores, you can simply visit these stores to see what they have to offer. It pays to have an idea of what you are looking for before you start window-shopping. This way, you can easily recognize the right shirt once you see it. Again, you should be specific about what you want. Some of these shirts are printed using the mesh and ink method. Others are done with the heat transfer method. You should be familiar with both methods so that you can distinguish one from the other. Once you find the shirt you love, simply pay for the product and take it home.

Shopping for Shirts Online

If you prefer to buy your shirts online, you can begin by searching for websites that offer these products. Some sites sell only shirts so you are more likely to find what you are looking for in these online stores. Once you find the right website, log on and navigate the different pages of the site. It might take a while to find exactly what you are looking for but if you keep searching, you will definitely find the right one.

Collaborate with a Screen Printer

One way to ensure that you get perfect screen printed shirts is to collaborate with a screen printer. Just buy a plain shirt (without any design) and contact a screen printer. Explain to the printer that you want your own design transferred to the shirt and ask how much it will cost. You can create your own design and work with the expert to make it look great. Once you have a sketch of the design, your screen printer will use computer graphics to create a mesh. From the mesh, the design will be transferred to your shirt.

Final Word

Getting the right shirt is a simple matter of knowing what you want and going for it. Buy your shirts online or buy plain shirts and impose your own design on them. This way, you will always stand out from the crowd.