Mothers are always advised to breastfeed for as long as they can; they do not have a specific limit to stop their children from breastfeeding. Some mothers find fun in breastfeeding in that they do until the child is almost turning two, while others do not go beyond their children’s first birthday. However, it essential to breastfeeding until a particular stage where you will find it safe to introduce solid foods to your child to ensure that the bay gets benefits and tastes from both sides of the world. A Weaned Child grows healthy and strong because they get both minerals from food and breast milk; however, there are essential things that should be well understood before introducing your child to this feeding style. Here are the crucial things to have in mind before you start weaning your baby:

The age of your baby

You should know the best age to start weaning the baby; in most cases, it is advisable to start it when the child turns one year old. This is the most exact age where the baby is still calm and has not developed any stubbornness because when you start at two or a past one, the child becomes resistant, less understanding, and rarely cooperates when they are being fed. Moreover, when the child is still at one, the memory retains more minor things, and therefore they are easily destructed by things that give them interest. So, if you do not want to feel the stubbornness and hard-to-handle behavior of a baby, do this before they get to two years or past one.

Can the baby sit?

It is essential to start implementing the idea when your baby can completely sit independently without needing any support. Here you should begin by introducing sift finger foods that are simple and easy to digest; this serves as a test to your baby; if they will show interest and enjoyment in the foods you introduce to them with time, you will need to start giving them food as you improve. The sitting period is the perfect time for you to start weaning your child as you reduce the frequency; when they seem comfortable with that, you should then fully introduce them to the solids.


A weaned child grows fast than the children that depend on breast milk for up to two years without eating solids. Therefore, it is essential to research and find out various foods that are good for the baby at the weaning stage.