There’s nothing more challenging than dragging on a dime. Drag queen necklaces play an important role in this challenge. You will be surprised how drag queen necklaces can be found through dumpster diving–but it happens.
For a queen who’s determined to walk miles to find discarded items in garbage piles and recycling bins alike, nothing is impossible. Dollar stores and other thrift stores are important sources, too. However, there’s nothing like the pleasure of finding real-looking fake jewelry in the most unexpected places and free at that.
Resourcefulness is a prized attribute of an aspiring cross dresser. The old saying, one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure pales in comparison to what is expected from contest-worthy transvestites. They can wear a trash bag and look like a million bucks.
Newspaper, shrink wrap, and gift wrapping are all fair game for creative minds. You just don’t know how much you can achieve when you put your heart and mind to it. That’s why personal commitment is so vital to the profession.
Sewing skills can be advantageous when competing with other cross dressers or CDs. And the same can be said for being skillful with hot glue. Where there’s a lot of time-pressure involved, having lots of tricks up one’s sleeve can be a tremendous advantage.
And, although CDs are often equated with drag, not all cross dressers are necessarily queens. After all, a CD may be into dressing up like the opposite sex but isn’t exactly a drag performer or professional. In other words, some men may dress up as women. However, it can be more of a lifestyle or a one-time thing as opposed to a chosen profession.
Drag has such a long history, and one that began in the courtyards of royalty as females were barred from ballets and stage plays originally. Finally, when women were allowed to play the said roles, male professionals would take the back stage.
From then on, it would become a struggle as well as a movement, and one with a lot of heroines and trailblazers. If not for the pioneering spirit of a number of people, drag wouldn’t be as liberating as it is today. In fact, for more than a decade, it has been elevated into a race.
And this explains why drag racing today can have two meanings with the other one not having anything to do with cars at all. As an art and a profession, doing drag isn’t for the faint of heart. In fact, fierceness in competition is an expected attribute.
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