Libraries are more powerful than ever. Once a place to check out books, libraries now give access to digital resources – and more – thanks to Follett.

Follett is a leading supplier of library materials and technology. A vast network of libraries across the world selects Follett to power their book collection, managing their inventory, and more. Follett has been in the business for nearly 150 years, and the company’s core business has been providing libraries with the tools they need to learn and grow.

One of the ways Follett helps libraries is by providing them with a wide range of books. Recommendations on reading levels are provided to correspond to reader’s interests, age, and reading level. This is very helpful for younger students who are learning to read, along with older students who are striving to read at a higher level.

What’s also great about these books is that they’re always up to date. Every year, Follett releases new editions so that students can learn about the most up to date topics and information. This makes it easy for both teachers and students to have helpful, relevant materials at their fingertips.

Beyond books, Follett also provides schools with a wide variety of digital resources. These resources are designed to help teachers to educate and engage students in the classroom. For example, one product offered by Follett is an instructional management system.

This system provides teachers with a range of resources to help them provide their students with a personalized learning experience. Teachers can monitor student progress, grade assignments, and track progress toward individual and classroom-wide goals. What’s even better is that these resources are tailored to individual reader’s interests and needs.

Follett has a unique advantage in digitization. By being a trusted provider of library materials, Follett is able to streamline the transition from physical books to digital resources. And, digital resources have become incredibly important in the age of distance learning – i.e. learning from home. By embracing digital materials, Follett has helped schools maintain effective learning practices without compromising on quality.

Of course, Follett’s commitment to education goes beyond just books and digital resources. In many cases, Follett is the only resource some libraries have, and Follett is acutely aware of this position of power. Follett provides valuable insights into the world of libraries, offering training materials, lessons, and more to help school librarians maximize the impact of their work.

Another area in which Follett excels is in college and university library services. The company makes it easy for student and faculty researchers to find the materials they need to support their studies. This includes millions of historical documents, academic papers, and other resources.

But Follett isn’t just for academics. Along with academic resources, Follett provides public libraries with access to a wide range of digital titles – for free. This provides the public with access to a variety of content they might not be able to afford; and gives libraries an effective way to compete with streaming services, such as Netflix.

Follett has been providing libraries with the tools they need to learn and grow for nearly 150 years. Today, they offer a wide variety of resources – from traditional books to digital resources. What’s great about Follett is that they understand the importance of education and are committed to providing tools, training, and expertise to schools and libraries everywhere. So next time you hit the library, take a closer look at the resources provided by Follett – you’ll be glad you did.