Acupuncture is a common alternative form of treatment. It has been around for a while and some swear by it while others are skeptical. That be as it may, acupuncture has been proven to be effective in treating various medical conditions. Below, see the different conditions that can be treated via this mode of Chinese medicine Prahran and other Melbourne cities have to offer.

Headaches and migraines

One of the most common conditions treated via acupuncture is headaches and migraines. People who suffer from such pains need any relief they can get in order to function at home and at work. Acupuncture has been seen to be effective at doing so. With repeated treatment, you can keep the pain and discomfort manageable. This is achieved by somehow dimming the nerves to reduce pain transmission to the brain.


Lots of people suffer from stress worldwide. Whether it’s as a result of work or a relationship, you can seek acupuncture as a remedy. Acupuncture treats stress by encouraging the release and balance of the body’s inner energy, otherwise called ‘chi’. Once the body is able to find this internal balance, the cause of the stress is overcome and it ceases to be overbearing.

Anxiety and depression

Just like with stress, acupuncture is also used to treat people suffering from anxiety or depression. These conditions can keep one from being productive. They can also worsen one’s physical and mental health. Acupuncture does help to relax one’s body, and through that, anxiety and depression is contained to manageable levels.

Muscle and joint pains

One of the most common applications of acupuncture is muscle and joint pains. It is used to treat conditions such as neck pain, back pain, lower back pain, etc. Whether it’s as a result of injury or work-related fatigue, acupuncture can make the pain go away. Again, this is possible due to a dulling of the nerve senses to prevent a communication of the pain from the affected areas to the brain.


Acupuncture is also great for inflammation. If you have inflated tissue or muscle on any part of your body, acupuncture can fast forward the healing and lower the pain and distress caused. One way acupuncture remedies this is by increasing the flow of blood to the affected areas. As a result, the affected area gets an influx of blood, oxygen, and white blood cells which then accelerate the healing.

If you are looking for providers of Chinese medicine Prahran has various acupuncturists who can help you if you’re suffering from any of the above conditions, and more.