From Christian car decals to rosary hanging on a rear-view mirror, modern day faithfuls are making a stand for their religious beliefs these days. Is the world finally coming to an end? The scriptures say that when an increasing number of people are standing up for their faith, the end is near.

But then again, matters of faith are subject to multiple interpretations. In fact, the church argues that it is dangerous to interpret the signs of the times without seeking inspiration from the spirit of God. In the Apocalypse part of the Bible, mention is made of an increasing number of false prophets as a sign of doomsday.

What are we to believe? The symbol of peace and the image of a dove make for popular Christian car decals. At the same time, however, their omnipresence also bespeaks of the lack of peace in the cacophony of religious doctrines.

So all things considered, modern day humans stand on the precipice of a great mystery. What is the ultimate faith? No doubt, every religious denomination will argue that it alone has a claim to the title or the fame.

If finding God means finding peace, the sheer fact that different races are fighting for their respective faiths by going to war–is quite antithetical. It shows that something is wrong. In fact, atheists will be the first to argue that they have found peace by not pursuing any religious agenda at all.

Perhaps ecumenism holds the answer to the mystery that has plagued humanity since the dawn of civilization. That is, that all faiths are different hands accomplishing the work of The Deity in their own special way. If we were to think this way, every religion has a role to play.

No wonder, there is a religion to fit every personality or trait. Not one holds the only key to the kingdom or heaven. Maybe our Creator’s brain is so vast or so complex that not one spirituality is enough.

In the same way that mystics find three persons in one God to be beyond comprehension, so too is every religion at a loss to explain the grandness of God’s designs, let alone His being. If God were so complicated that He has no beginning and no end, this should not be a cause for confusion or misunderstanding.

There is a religion to suit any whim and fancy. And the fact remains, the need to worship has been programmed into our DNA. In addition, many modern societies now affirm freedom of religion as a fundamental human right. Surely, there must be a reason why a being with a brain as vast as the universe itself has entrusted the need to worship him in our hearts.