The modern vaporizer is quite different from the first vapes that were developed. E-cigs, as they are commonly referred to, have three main components. These are; the atomizer, cartridge and the battery. Batteries for vaping are usually rechargeable as they are made from Li-Ion. They are also small, but can hold a lot of power. The atomizer is an electrical component responsible for converting nicotine liquid into a vapor. The cartridge, on the other hand, holds the nicotine solution. There are two types of cartridges. The first type has a wick or sponge that is soaked in e-liquid. The second is simply a small cylindrical container with nicotine solution. The latter has one major advantage over wick-based cartridges as the user can see the level of nicotine solution in the cartridge.
Choosing the Right Vape Battery
E-cig batteries are measured in terms of the amount of power they can store as well as their discharge rate. To enjoy the best vaping experience, you need to choose a battery that can hold as much power as possible and has a high discharge rate. Below are key factors to consider when comparing batteries for vaping:
i) Energy Storage Capacity
The best batteries on the market today can store up to 3000mWh of power. When the battery is full, this type of battery will give you hundreds of puffs, which means that you can use it for several days without having to recharge it. If you cannot find a 3000mWh battery, you can settle for a 2500mWh battery as it may still be able to meet your needs. However, you should know that the higher the rating the better.
ii) Discharge Rating
The ability of the atomizer to produce a strong hit depends on the battery’s ability to discharge more current. For this reason, you should always check the discharge rate of a battery when making a purchase. Basically, the higher the better. You should not settle for anything less than 20A, but a 25A battery is perfect for vaping.
iii) Safety
In the recent years, there have been reports of exploding e-cig batteries during charging or use. Imagine trying to get a puff only for the battery to explode in your hand and near your face. You can get hurt seriously. For this reason, you should check the safety track record of a particular vape battery brand. If there are reports of overheating or explosions, you should avoid that battery.
iv) Pricing
While the best batteries are usually expensive, you should do a price comparison to identify the best battery on the market. The ideal battery should be competitively priced to ensure you get value for your money.
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