What is the best way to learn about online trade application tracking? The older generation would talk about books, stock market magazines, apprenticeship or taking an online stock trading class. For the millennial, podcasts are a hallmark for learning just about anything including online trading.

For the avid bookworm, perhaps the concept of educational podcasts is still new to you. However, it is possible to become a successful online trade application tracker by learning through digital audio or video files. The structure of learning is near similar only that the delivery is different.

Audio or Video

Podcasts are available either as audio or video files. Some of us learn better through visuals while others can make do with an audio listening. You can opt to stream the content online or download it to your phone, Smartphone, or tablet to watch later. Such convenience makes it possible to learn at your own pace and just about anywhere.


A stock market tracking book divides its content into chapters. Most trade application management and tracking schools organize its content into lessons. When it comes to podcasts, we talk about episodes; just like the favorite TV series you binge watch. The first episodes would give the basics of what is involved in online trade application as well as the concepts and jargon used in the trading markets. Later episodes would then delve deeper into complex analytics and calculations used by pro stock traders to make their profits.

Expert Tips

A lot of online trade application trackers who have already made it in the game love to offer their expert tips to aspiring traders. Some pro stock traders would prefer writing books while other would embrace the digital path of podcasts. There are prominent new stations that have branched into podcasts to offer financial tips to loyal subscribers. The financial section of the podcast would normally have episodes focusing on online stock market trading and trade application management and tracking.

There are video podcasts that have stock trading experts explaining the day’s trades from different markets. These podcasts are normally in real time but you can always go back to the recorded video later.

Final Remarks

If you have been considering learning trade application tracking online, especially via podcasts, by all means give it a try. Podcasts offer a refreshing way of learning about the stock markets from the hands of known and vetted experts.