Buying Cheap Contacts Online, there used to be many Pros and Cons of buying cheapies online but now that the industry and demand have changed dramatically it is not so risky anymore.

Though u do find you fly by night chances out there, that are just out there to make a quick buck and disappear without a trace the next day, they have become few and far between because people are doing more and more research before buying online.

Where in the past the cheapies were not only cheaply made but also cheaply packaged and couriered and was unsafe as in the quality and health safety, now you get money-back guarantees, warranties, and even affiliations with the FDA and or medical professionals.

So why would the FDA or medical professionals get involved?

As a medical body to make sure all health devices (contacts are medical devices) the FDA, as well as the medical professionals, have made an oath to make sure whatever product your buy does not affect your health negatively and because there was no way you could stop this growing market, well better to join them than to try and shut them down which we all know was impossible.

Also with the Cheap Contacts Online, customers were rather going to the online stores and getting it there instead of the medical professionals and they were losing out one that income, whereas joining up with them for the health reasons also gave them kickbacks to the income they lost.

So why did the cheapie online become so well known so quickly?

The biggest reason would be mass production, and like mentioned before no control was held over them so the mass production was out of control and so was the low cost and everyone went for it not considering the health and eyeball safety as they thought it was only to be worn for a few hours,

But even those few hours can damage or blind you because of something small like a year in the lens or even bacteria found on it.

So with the increase of clientele and more cases of damage and health risks the affiliation with the FDA and medical professionals was a good idea as bad news spreads like wildfire and that’s how you lose your client base.

But even with the affiliations, they could still keep their prices low and that is still the main reason for the influx in buyers going that way (and the varieties only found online)