If you are making your own hydraulic power system, or repairing an existing system, you will need to find high quality hydraulic components in Brisbane. This is because the quality of parts you buy will determine the performance of the system. Depending on the power the system is supposed to deliver as well as what the hydraulic system is supposed to do, be sure to list down the exact specifications of the parts you need.

Hydraulic Components

i) Oil Reservoir

This is where the hydraulic fluid is stored. The tank must be made from a material that is corrosion resistant. It must also be able to carry enough oil to power the system. If it stores less hydraulic fluid than needed, the system will have pockets of air.

ii) Hydraulic Fluid

This is the most important component of any hydraulic power system. This is an incompressible fluid that delivers and distributes power to different parts of the system when compressed. There are many grades of hydraulic fluid, so be sure to choose the right one for your needs.

iii) Hydraulic Pump

The main function of the pump is to increase the pressure of hydraulic fluid inside the hydraulic fluid lines. It works just like ordinary fluid pumps but can produce intense pressure, which is important in hydraulic systems. Depending on the type of hydraulic system or the intended function of your custom system, be sure to choose the right hydraulic pump to meet your needs.

iv) Fluid Lines

As the name suggests, these reinforced pipes distribute pressurized fluid from the pump to different parts of the system. This can be a hydraulic motor or a hydraulic cylinder. Before being connected to these actuators, the pipes must first go through a valve for control purposes. Be sure to buy fluid lines that are designed to handle the kind of pressure you have designed the system to operate under.

v) Hydraulic Valves

Valves are used to control the action of the actuators. For instance, if you want an excavator to lift a load, you simply pull a lever that will extend the hydraulic cylinder for that purpose. There are two types of valves; solenoid valves, which facilitate electric controls and mechanical valves, which are the industry standard, especially in heavy plant and equipment.

v) Hydraulic Cylinders

There are telescopic, double acting and single acting hydraulic cylinders. Depending on what you want your system to do, be sure to choose the right hydraulic cylinder for your needs. The amount of force the cylinder can handle as well as the dimensions of the cylinder matter a lot, so be sure to pay attention to these specifications when making a purchase.