You may be losing a lot of money in overcharges if you are using FedEx services. It is important to perform audits of FedEx invoices to find mistakes and overcharges. Do not let your profits go to waste. All such oversights mean money being lost every week. Regular auditing of FedEx invoices will lower your transportation cost and increase your profits. It can be difficult to manage the FedEx auditing process on your own. Outsource this job to a company that specializes in this field. It will streamline this process for a small commission.
Why Avoid Your Own FedEx Auditing?
It is a complex, time-consuming, and resource-intensive process. Unless you have a department dedicated to this job, it can be difficult to find mistakes and overcharges. You will face many problems in assessing the invoices. A professional auditor will perform a weekly audit line by line. All your ground, international, freight, and express services will be audited thoroughly. Do not waste your precious resources on this time-intensive and low-value process. Let a professional FedEx auditing company handle this job for you.
Act Fast
Every day of delay means you are losing money every day. There are different types of overcharges charged by FedEx, including charges for dimensional weight error, duplicate charges, address corrections, and other issues. Billing mistakes and late shipments must be addressed quickly. You have a limited number of days to file your claim for a late delivery package. You simply cannot send a complaint and expect to receive a refund. You have to follow the process specified by FedEx. Be quick and thorough in this process or you will lose this money. The auditing company will do this job for you, leaving you to focus on your business.
Contact an Experienced Company
This job requires the services of a company that has experience in FedEx auditing. It must have a good understanding of the inner workings of the FedEx pricing process. Its team will recognize the errors and get the refunds to you in time. It will file claims in time to ensure you receive all your refunds. The auditing company will make sure FedEx charges you only for genuine mistakes.
This auditing will make a big difference to your company’s revenue. You will stop losing money that rightly belongs to you. It may seem a small amount of money for one package but if you combine money being lost in hundreds of packages, you will realize you are losing thousands of dollars every year. The losses are greater for companies sending hundreds of packages through FedEx. Let a FedEx auditor audit your FedEx invoices and save you money.
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