Essential oils Masterclass are powerful medicine that could transform your life. They have powerful constituents that soothe and hydrate skin, calm the mind, speed up wound healing, ease pain and more.
Essential oils are not oils since they lack fatty acids. They are vastly concentrated with plant components. It takes huge quantities of plants to get a small portion of essential oils. About 4000 pounds is needed to get a pound of fat. Essentials oils can be used directly, while others have to be blended to suit a particular application like a massage. Each scent is used for its healing purpose.
i. Suitable for Cuts and bruises – Lavender
This is one of the most versatile oil and is effective for relaxing, works perfectly on cuts, bruises, and skin irritation. Moreover, it can reduce stress hormones considerably. Hence lavender is suitable for treating insomnia and stress. You don’t have to worry anymore. A few drops on your bath will give you a fulfilling night of relaxation. Also you can put a few drops on your hands and rubbing them together and inhaling. Additionally, you can go ahead a sprinkle a few drops in the pillow before you jump in bed.
ii. Relaxing effects – Chamomile
Chamomile is better known for tea. Essential oil has similar properties to the tea chamomile. It’s renowned for its relaxing effects. That’s why tea is a popular delicacy before going to bed. Hence a few drops on your pillow will do the trick.
iii. Treats skin problems – Tea tree
This essential oil masterclass is suitable for treating skin problems like blemishes and fungus. It’s derived from an Australian tea tree called ‘Melaleuca alternifloria’ hence, it can be used topically. You can apply it to fungal infections like ‘ Athletes foot’ or skin blemishes.
iv. Boosts alertness – Lemon oil
Lemon oil can be used to detox the body; thus, it’s suitable for boosting alertness. A 50:50 lemon oil blend is a great way to uplift your spirit. Consequently it’s ideal for enhancing concentration and focus. Additionally when used on pets it keeps fleas away.
v. Alleviates Fatigue – Grapefruit
It has similar properties as lemon oil. It’s the best choice for reducing fatigue and the effects of jet lag.
vi. Anti Bacterial – Oregano
These are strong tasting oils and have antibacterial properties. Hence, many people think ist suitable for treating flu. A few drops on the tongue during the flu season is all you need.
Do you want to stay energized and refreshed? Its most effective capability is aromatherapy. It’s hard to believe, but some scents have healing capability. Besides, they can aid in sleep assistance digestion.
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