As the world continues to look for more medical drugs or therapeutic procedures, acupuncture is emerging as a new alternative medical treatment. It has proven to be both a cure of several ailments as well as an alleviator of terminal and chronic illnesses. Continuous research goes on every day to determine how this Asian medical procedure really works; meanwhile the Asian medical technique shows positive signs of improvement in patients it is tried on.
Today, the Asian healing technique is not only beneficial to human beings; it will also cure your dog of sickly symptoms. The mechanisms of acupuncture is really simple; the Chinese long discovered that most of our life illnesses are caused by an imbalance in bodily energy which they call Chi. If you can bring back the balance in your internal energy flow, you can bring back your physical, mental and spiritual health.
Three Ways Acupuncture in Richmond Can Help Restore Health
• Parkinson’s disease: Acupuncture may not fully heal you from Parkinson’s disease, but it can help you cope better in life with the disease. There are a number of ways the Asian medical procedure acts as a mitigating agent. While Parkinson’s destroys the levels of dopamine in your body, acupuncture helps restore the level. Additionally, the needle procedure will protect the vital cells in your body, some of which are highly targeted by Parkinson’s. As any Parkinson’s patient knows, part of the disease symptoms are painful muscle spasms; when acupuncture is combined with bee venom, it creates Botox effects on the skin, temporary paralysis, which relaxes muscles. Lastly, the needle procedure increases the chances of L-Dopa drug working and lessens the side effects.
• Veterinary Acupuncture: As the rest of the world is yet to grasp the concept of sticking needles into your pet, acupuncture is showing positive health effects on animals, just as it shows on humans. Pets suffer from spinal and joint problems as well—some of which do not respond to conventional treatment methods. Several countries already recognize veterinary acupuncture as a proven medical procedure.
• Post Stroke Relief: It is the moments after a stroke attack that are considered the worst. Symptoms like depression set in, and if off-the-counter medicines don’t clear them away, the needle procedure may be the last resort. According to recent Chinese medicine studies, acupuncture has proven to slow down or alleviate post stroke symptoms, especially depression.
The secret lies in keeping your internal energy flow in check. As Chinese believes, when Chi is in order, it influences blow flow positively, which in turn transport nutrients and oxygen efficiently through the body. So maybe Acupuncture is the antidote to life’s many ailments.
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