When choosing an engine for your drone, the first thing is to estimate the total weight of the multi-rotor drone concerned. If the drone is already built, it is obviously easier, because the weight and the typology of the drone are already defined. However, it must be ensured that the components of the drone are compatible with the envisaged engine (power of the batteries, type of propeller).

If the goal is to build a new drone, we must define precisely what we want to do. Do you prefer a maneuverable or stable drone? What autonomy do you want? What is your driving level? What should its flight height be? Should there be some options or some type of equipment? These questions, and many others, will allow you to get a clear idea of the components to predict. Be careful to integrate the weight of the engines and all that accompanies it (fixing, speed controller (ESC), propellers.

Be aware that it is not always as simple as it seems to determine the exact weight of his future drone when embarking on its construction. We advise to start the process with two principles as shown in Drone Training Courses.

The first is to make a list of the material on a spreadsheet, to indicate all the elements necessary for the manufacture of the drone as well as their weight. Although this material is likely to evolve over time, this approach allows to determine the precise weight of the future drone.

The second principle is to choose a first set of parts needed to manufacture the desired drone. Avoid doing things as we go, we think it’s best to change the components when necessary – while updating the spreadsheet. to avoid you can buy them as the manufacture of the drone or exchange them, so remember to check that trading is possible before buying. This approach will allow you to refine the estimate of the weight while controlling your budget.

Then you have to choose the chassis, the central element of the drone, which determines its total size. The characteristics of all components will depend in part on the type of chassis chosen (type and size, that is to say, weight of the propellers, motors, battery, fasteners). The chassis may cause some restrictions on the chosen engine or propellers, especially regarding their size as shown in Drone Training Courses.

Note: Some UAV chassis manufacturers provide recommendations on the types of propeller motors that can be installed. When you make a multirotor drone, it is important to have a power/weight ratio of 2.