A wedding, pet, portrait, or a general photographer looking for a more lucrative way of generating revenue can expand the venture into companies and medium-sized companies. Dealing with companies leads to a pay hike and several business opportunities, unlike when doing it privately. However, getting started is overwhelming and requires additional tools, marketing campaigns, and a bigger team.Here are steps to follow when starting a commercial photography Dublin business.

Plan Your Venture

Despite having the necessary tools and ideas on how photography is done, going into commercial business demands a better business plan. As such, engaging a professional business consultant to help you develop a viable business plan is a must-do.

In the planning process, factor in the startup costs, look into the target market and establish how charges will be made on each customer type. In addition, professionals can assist you in choosing a marketable business name. Therefore, look for an experienced consultant to work with when laying down the business plan.

Create Your Business Portfolio and Get the Essential Licenses

With the existing work, creating a portfolio is an easy task when starting. Create a website where your prospects can find your services with ease. Taking the best snapshots from previous projects and regular updating of new content will leave an impressive portfolio for your web visitors. Also, work with a designer to help in business branding. A simple and unique logo and perfection of the existing gallery will make your work look more professional.

Obtaining the necessary legal documents before opening the doors is crucial for smooth business running. Apply for all the licenses some months in advance. Visiting the respective offices will keep you informed on fees, legal requirements, and state laws governing businesses in the state. Early application of permits will ensure they are ready on your scheduled opening date.

Embark on a Strong Marketing Campaign

Most businesses deal with reputable photographers, and this can be challenging for a first-time commercial photographer. As such, starting a strong marketing campaign through different platforms and your previous clients’ backing is a must. Run different ads through social media pages and leave links that will redirect interested readers to your website.

Issuance of business cards and running adverts through local dailies is another marketing option that you ought to try. However, ensure the contacts given are working, and the phone can be answered by a professional in case potential clients call for inquiries.


Working with major companies as a photographer is not overwhelming as many people think. Follow the above steps to start a lucrative commercial photography Dublin.