Bathing is one of life’s simple pleasures. It can be especially enjoyable when natural bath oils are used to enhance the bathing experience. Natural bath oils are made with natural ingredients that nourish and moisturize skin while providing aromatherapy benefits for a mind-soothing soak. In this article, we will explore seven natural bath oil recipes that will help you enjoy your tub!

One: Relax with lavender bath oil. Lavender has been used to promote natural relaxation for centuries, making it the perfect addition to natural bath oils. Add a few drops of pure lavender essential oil into your tub as you run warm water over your body – breathe in the calming scent and melt away tension.

Two: Refresh yourself with peppermint tea tree-scented bath oil. Peppermint contains menthol which naturally refreshes skin, while also soothing sore muscles after an intense workout or long day at work. Mix together one cup Epsom salt, two cups baking soda, three tablespoons coconut oil, 20 drops each of peppermint and tea tree essential oils, ten drops of grapefruit seed extract (optional).

Three: Soothe dry skin with these oils. Try adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to your tub water and soak for 20 minutes to soothe dry skin

Four: Relax after a long day at work or school using these oils. Run hot water over your body while breathing in the relaxing scent of chamomile, rosemary, and sandalwood mixed together (try combining 15 drops each).

Five: Acclimate yourself into fall weather by enjoying these oils. Add ten drops of peppermint essential oil along with two cups Epsom salt and one cup baking soda; mix well before filling up your tub.

Six: Enjoy an extensive nighttime routine by incorporating these oils. Choose from any number of options such as soaking in a natural oil bath with lavender, rosemary, and geranium essential oils.

Seven: Create a peaceful oasis by adding these oils to your water. Fill a glass jar halfway with Epsom salt before dropping in ten drops of peppermint or lemon essential oil for an all-natural aromatherapy experience.

Bath time can be extremely enjoyable when you know how to use these oils! By using natural scents such as chamomile, sandalwood, rosemary, etc., you’ll feel relaxed after filling up your tub with hot water while breathing it all in during those 20 minutes under the running showerhead.

For natural aromatherapy, add ten drops of lavender essential oil to a kitchen or bath fizzy for an ultimate bath experience. You can even mix and match natural scents such as grapefruit and vanilla in the same jar with Epsom salt, baking soda, and citric acid!

In conclusion, natural bath oils are great for natural aromatherapy and can be enjoyed by adding some to the fizzy in your tub.