There are many kitchen splashback ideas to choose from, and it can be hard to know which one is the best for your kitchen. This article will cover six kitchen splashback ideas that you might want to consider when designing your kitchen.


One of the most popular kitchen splashbacks is a tile backsplash. Tile backsplashes come in a wide variety of colors and materials, and there are hundreds if not thousands of different patterns you can choose from too! Tiles work well because they’re easy to clean and offer great aesthetics with their stunning designs.


Another option is glass splashbacks made out of tempered (tempered glass). Tempered glass comes in thicknesses ranging from 0.55mm to 15.0mm, so it can be tailored for every kitchen’s needs. The main downside of glass splashbacks is that it adds more weight and volume to your kitchen than other materials like tile or stone.


Natural-looking kitchen splashback ideas are perfect if you’re really going all out with the aesthetics in your kitchen! The stone works well because it comes in a wide variety of colors that match perfectly with any color scheme you might have chosen for your kitchen design layout. Plus, there are many different types/patterns of stones available too. This makes it easy to find one that fits into your budget but still looks beautiful when installed on the wall behind your kitchen sink or stovetop area!

Plastic And Laminate

If you’re looking for kitchen splashback ideas that are more affordable yet still durable and easy to clean, consider kitchen splashbacks made of plastic or laminate. These materials can be found in many different colors, too, so they’ll look great with your kitchen design theme! The best part is that the modern kitchen splashbacks are super thin, which means it won’t take away from the sleekness factor of your kitchen layout either.


Mirrors are another kitchen splashback ideas that can look stunning in your kitchen if done right! The best thing about using mirrors as kitchen backsplash is that they reflect light and make even small kitchens appear bigger. You should be careful, though, because some people find looking at their own reflection for hours on end to be annoying, so it’s crucial to think about this before deciding on a mirror kitchen splashback idea.

Asbestos Stickers

If you’re worried about harsh chemicals used with plastic or laminate kitchen backsplashes, consider choosing an asbestos sticker kitchen splashback instead! These are super affordable options, but just like other modern kitchen backsplash materials, these come in different colors too, which means there’s plenty of kitchen splashback ideas to choose from.

To conclude, kitchen splash backs can be expensive. Still, kitchen splashback ideas like the ones mentioned above are more affordable, and they’re all chemical-free too, which is excellent news for any of you eco-warriors!