What’s the worst part about getting up in front of a crowd to deliver a presentation? For some, it is public speaking itself, but for most people, it is fear. This article will show you five ways to overcome your public speaking fears so that they never hold you back and you do not face difficulty speaking in public presentations.

  1. The “Imagine the Worst” Method
    The method is simple- imagine yourself giving your speech and then think of all the possible problems that could occur. Think about how you could deal with them if they happened. If you find that the worst outcome is preventable, then this will reduce your fear of what might happen because you know it has nothing to do with you.
  2. The Cold Shower Method
    This technique works by shocking your system so that you are not thinking about how nervous or anxious you are when giving your presentation. A cold shower gives you a huge jolt of energy and makes you feel more active, which will help you give a more engaging presentation.
  3. The Laugh Method
    We all know that laughing feels good, but it also relieves stress and tension in your body that could affect your ability to speak at a certain level of eloquence. Laughter also cheers people up, and when you are in the midst of giving an important speech, this is what you need to do more than anything else. Laughter relaxes your body and prepares you for speaking.
  4. The Outside Perspective Method
    During a presentation, you can get caught up in how it is going. Do not focus on how you are doing, but think more about the crowd. They will be more focused on positive aspects of your speech than anything negative that occurs during it.
  5. The Add Salt Method
    This method involves imagining what is going to happen next and then saying that exact sentence with an extra word at the end. For example, you might say, “I am going to go on stage and face the crowd.” Adding salt makes it so that you are saying something ridiculous, which will cause you to laugh. Laughter reduces tension and stress, which will relax your body for giving your presentation.

These five methods should allow anyone to overcome their fear of difficulty speaking presentations. Whenever you do a presentation, make sure to focus on what it will be like in the future when you succeed, not dwell too much on how nervous you are.