Family Law Lawyers Sydney can offer five services: mediation, arbitration, collaborative law, litigation, and drafting wills. Each of the services carries its importance in solving matters related to family affairs. For example, when both parties are unable to reach an agreement at the same time where they can work together, then Family Law Solicitors Sydney opt for other means by filing a case in court. The following are how Family Law Lawyers Sydney can help.
Mediation aims to resolve disputes between parties before filing a case in court. Mediators include lawyers and also non-lawyers who have expertise in negotiation and conflict resolutions. Parties present their cases before them, and they try finding common points between the two and come up with a decision. Mediators offer various services, which include:
a) Pre- Litigation Mediation: This type of mediation is provided before you start legal proceedings against another party. It helps parties reach an agreement without going for litigation. Parties negotiate to reduce the stress and cost that goes behind court cases.
b) Post-Litigation Mediation: This type of mediation is provided after you file a case in court. It helps parties try settling out of courts instead of spending more on litigation fees. Parties can mutually work together to reach an agreement.
Arbitration: Arbitrators are appointed by both parties where they can resolve a dispute. Parties can have their own choice of an arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators, which includes one from each side and a neutral arbitrator. The decision reached by the arbitrator is final, and both parties are bound to follow it.
Collaborative Law: In Collaborative law, both parties have agreed to solve the problem instead of litigation. Collaborative law is available to all couples, whether married or unmarried. There are no charges involved in the process, and it involves planning to solve differences between parties, including children’s issues, property division, and financial affairs. In addition, both sides have 100% control over decisions made on their behalf, where each party has equal ownership of the process.
Litigation: Litigation is a type of dispute resolution where parties work with lawyers to file cases in court if they are not able to reach an agreement. Parties present their case before a judge, and there will be no negotiation here. The decision made by the judge is final and legally binding. Litigation is based on legal principles, while arbitration is based on parties’ agreements.
Drafting Wills: Solicitors Sydney offers wills drafting services where laws are followed properly before executing the will. Laws vary from state to state, and so make rules for drafting wills. Family Law Solicitors Sydney deals with different will formats, including custom wills, simple wills, and living wills. They make sure that the client’s wishes are followed and transferred to people of their choice without any issues.
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