When it comes to pain alleviation, you have to mention Chinese acupuncture. This old Chinese medicine has been practiced for more than three millenniums. It involves needle insertions into the body’s energy paths referred to as meridians. The needles unlock the meridians to bring about pain relief and other medical benefits. The problem, however, is that there are so many myths about the old practice in circulation. These myths are very confusing and so it’s important that everything is clear. To help you get the most out of your next Chinese acupuncture Brunswick Heads appointment, here are the top 5 myths about the practice that you need to know:

It’s Very Painful

This is actually the commonest myth out there. People assume that because needles are inserted into the body, it must be very painful. However, this is not completely true. The needles are very tiny to cause any significant discomfort. Therefore, you’ll only feel a weak electrical sensation or brief sting.

It’s Just a Chinese Practice

Just because acupuncture has a Chinese origin doesn’t mean that it’s just meant for the people of China. In addition to China and neighboring eastern countries like Japan and Korea, acupuncture is widely practiced in the US, Europe, and Africa. So, it’s global. In fact, by doing simple Google search for Chinese acupuncture Brunswick Heads providers, you will get a variety of options to choose from.

It’s an Outdated Practice

Because acupuncture has been around for centuries, so many people assume that it’s outdated and no longer relevant. You may not know this but most medical institutions recommend acupuncture as an alternative treatment for chronic pain. Thus, it being ancient doesn’t mean it’s obsolete.

It Only Alleviates Pain

Though acupuncture is mostly associated with relieving chronic pain, it does more than this. For example, it can be used to treat seasonal allergies and sleep disorders. Some people even consider it for anxiety and depression management. There are also suggestions that it can treat infertility.

May Interfere with Conventional Medicine

Lastly, acupuncture being an alternative medicine doesn’t mean that it can conflict with medical drugs and other conventional treatments. It actually acts as an adjunct treatment. Simply, it improves the performance of conventional medical treatments. So, adding acupuncture to your medical routine will only boost the outcome of your treatment.

If you are considering Chinese acupuncture for pain relief or for whatever reason, it’s important that you have the facts straight. It starts with getting clarifications on the above myths. That’s how you decide if you should go for it or not.