Every high school athlete should know what they have to do to get a scholarship. Do you think just by being an excellent player, your chance of getting a scholarship is almost certain? Think again! It is not that easy, and every student-athlete who wants to go pro one day has to pay attention and work hard even in high school. If you want to play college ball or even higher levels like the NCAA or NFL, you need to stand out! Here are some basic requirements:

5 Basic Athletic Scholarships Requirements

1) Excellent grades

If you want athletic college scholarships, then you need good grades (of course). Your GPA will determine how much aid you can receive. Of course, if the coach lets you play at their school, you’ll probably get a scholarship with no problem. But if your GPA is not good enough and you still want to play in college or even higher levels, don’t worry because there are ways! You can talk to the coach and see if they will give you another chance with better grades next semester. If it’s possible, then do it! Or maybe ask for a tutor so that you would have already improved your grades when the time comes for the new term.

2) Playing sports

If you want to receive athletic scholarships, then obviously, playing sports is one of your requirements too. There are also certain positions that coaches prefer, but these depend on each team’s strategy. The majority of teams need players who could help them win games like the quarterback, pitcher, catcher, etc. But there are some teams that give equal opportunity to other players like linemen because linemen don’t need much experience or skills compared to the other players. It’s not necessary which position you play since different types of scholarships are available for all sports-playing students according to your preference and skills.

3) Allotting time for practice

Student-athletes must allocate time for practices and training, too, aside from the games and tournaments they join. Coaches want athletes who can show their full potential in front of a group of people, and playing one game won’t get you noticed. In addition, athletes should improve their physicality by doing workouts at least three days a week; this way, coaches will get to see their improvements.

4) Participating in additional activities

Most colleges that offer athletic scholarships prefer students who are good leaders. This is because they need students who could lead the group by giving instructions during the game or while training since most athletes play more than one position, so it’s hard for them to know what’s happening at other parts of the field. Even though you don’t have players on your team who can lead, there are still things that you can do, like attending seminars and workshops, which might help you become a better leader. These workshops are sponsored by different universities that want students with great potentials! You just need to attend these events, even if it means sacrificing some games to improve yourself.

5) Training and working out

Aside from the games and training, athletes should allot time to work out and improve their physicality like running and doing exercises for their legs, arms, back, and core. Workout at least three days a week to be able to prove to coaches and recruiters that your team needs you and that you’ll be a great addition to their roster.

In conclusion, if you want to get an Athletic Scholarships Requirements, you should work hard, improve your game, and participate in extra activities.