Swim caps are not necessary for all swimmers, but if you’re monogrammed swim cap is one of your must-have items then you should know that they come in a variety of colors and styles. The material the monogrammed swim cap is made out of can also vary; plastic, rubber, or silicone.


Plastic monogrammed swim caps are usually the least expensive of all monograms. They can also be found in a wide range of colors and sizes, but they’re not as durable as some other types such as rubber monogrammed swim caps or silicone monogrammed swim caps.


Rubber is more durable than plastic so that is one reason why many swimmers prefer it over plastic for their swimming gear. Another benefit to having a rubber swimming is that you can choose from an array of bright colors and designs making your customized item easy to find when you need it most!


They are made of a flexible material that is very durable. They come in the same colors and designs as rubber monogrammed swim caps, but they also have their own unique benefits. This hold up well to chlorine which makes them last longer than other materials while simultaneously protecting your hair from fading or damage due to exposure.

Before purchasing your monogrammed swim cap be sure to take into a consideration comfort level, color options available, and the style of the monogrammed swim cap before making a decision about which one to buy.

Comfort level: monogrammed swim caps should feel a little snug to your head when you first try it on, but not so tight that they are uncomfortable. Too loose of monogrammed swim cap can fall off during use which could lead to drowning if the monogrammed swim cap is lost underwater.

Color Options: monogrammed swim caps come in many different colors and patterns ranging from neon designs for men or women to more simple monograms usually used by younger swimmers who don’t want their hair getting caught up in busy prints. The color options available will depend largely on what style of monogrammed swim cap you choose as well as how long your hair is and whether or not a matching monogram would be necessary.

Style: there are two most common monogrammed swim cap styles: silicone and latex. The silicone are the most popular style because they tend to fit well, last a long time, and don’t stretch out or lose their shape like latex monograms can after several uses.

A monogrammed swim cap varies in price depending on the material used as well as how intricate your design is but typically range from $12-$30 for a new one made with either plastic or rubber materials.

If you’re looking to save some money you could also consider asking friends if anyone has an old monogrammed swim cap that might work better for your hair type before buying a brand new one!