Do you want to add a little excitement to your drinking nights? Check out these three drinking games that are easy to play and a lot of fun! These games will get you drunk, so make sure you have a designated driver or plenty of Uber credits.

First on the list is a drinking games to play that requires little to no set-up and can be played anywhere. All you need is a group of friends and some drinks. The game is called “I Never.” To start, one person makes a statement about something they have never done, like “I never have eaten sushi.” Anyone in the group who HAS done that thing then takes a drink. It’s easy, fun, and gets you drunk quickly!

Next up is a drinking game that requires a little more set-up but is still just as easy to play. This game is called “Beer Pong.” You will need two teams of two people each, ten cups arranged in a triangle on each side of a table, and a ping pong ball.

Each team takes turns trying to throw the ping pong ball into the other team’s cups. If the ping pong ball goes into a cup, the other team has to drink the contents of that cup. The first team to make all of the other team’s cups disappear wins!

Finally, we have a drinking game for those of you who like to be a little more competitive. This game is called “Kings.” You will need a deck of cards and some drinks. To start, one person starts by drawing a card from the deck and following the rule associated with that card.

For example, if they draw an Ace they would say “Waterfall” and everyone starts drinking at the same time and can’t stop until the person to their left stops drinking. There are a bunch of different rules associated with different cards, so be sure to look them up before you start playing.

Before you play these games, here are some things you need to know:

The first thing is to make sure everyone is drinking responsibly. No one wants to be the person who gets too drunk and ruins the night.

Second, you need to make sure everyone knows the rules of the game before you start playing. No one likes it when someone doesn’t know what they’re doing and slows down the game.

Lastly, have fun! These games are meant to be enjoyed by everyone so don’t take them too seriously.

We hope this information on drinking games to play was helpful. Cheers!