Many people are aware of the benefits of e-mail inbox security. However, most people do not take the time to give it proper attention until they get issues with their emails. Unfortunately, neglecting your email could lead to you having numerous problems. When your email is compromised, it an intruder can break into your account and access your messages. If you value your privacy, such an incident can be frustrating. Thus, this is why it is paramount for you to get the latest e-mail inbox security.

Have a Separate Email Account

The mistake most people make is to have one central account for all their activities. Having one email account for all your activities is risky because you will lose everything associated with the email if there is an issue. Keep in mind that when you reset your password in most cases a link will be sent into your account. Thus, if someone hacks into your email, they might lock you off all your accounts. Therefore, this is why it is advisable to have separate email accounts for various purposes.

Set a Strong Password

Whether you choose to use a separate email account or use one, it is paramount for you to set up a strong password. When setting a password, make sure that it is unique. Reusing the same password on various accounts can cause significant account vulnerability. Thus, you have to look for a password manager to help you set up a unique and strong password. By choosing the right password, you will give those trying to get into your email account without your permission a hard time.

Watch out for Phishing scams

When you sign up for various accounts, you must be cautious not to deal with scammers. What to note is that legitimate sites will not ask for your password or any other sensitive information. Some scammers will claim to be legitimate companies any convince you to share your passwords. Before sharing your password with any company, you have to confirm that you are dealing with a company you can trust. Sharing your information with fake companies will result in your email getting hacked.


Though emails were not designed to be secure, you can enjoy privacy if you put proper precautions in place. Your responsibility is to ensure you have put the right measure in place when dealing with your email. In case you do not know where to start from, using the highlighted tips for starters. The tips mentioned above are some basics you can use to warrant your email inbox is secure.